I am having that trippy surreal kinda feeling right now.
Doing that reflection, look back over the year that has been, and I hardly recognise the Jen back in early January. It's only been 11 months, but truly feels its been more like 11 years. Oh wow….hang on… Lets just look at that...
its the 11 month, of an 11 Master year! And numerological speaking, my personal life path number is 11!! (check out your numerology number here , if you're interested).
Which is all about massive growth, world service and leadership of our soul's callings. And it sure has been one ahhhhhhmazing ride…As my Teacher said, kinda like navigating a Mad Hatters Tea party, while riding a magic carpet through the portals of time, and still mastering capacity, motherhood, relationships, and general human-ing stuff.
And I Love it!!!!
Holding space and mastering soul evolutionary journeys in Womens Circles, Feminine Wisdom and Abundance Sadhanas, one on one and group coaching, sound healings, Kundalini and Tantric practices, health and wellness programs, and one unforgettable pilgrimage to India to work with my spiritual teacher and guru. And oh so much more.
In case you missed my instagram and facebook stories over the last few months, this was a trip that took me to the place of complete faith, trust, surrender, unleveling and cellular bliss all in one deeply moving soul journey.
And so now…..
we find ourselves looking down the tunnel of our last month of 2018!!!
5 days until the Festive season attempts to throw all logic out the window as we naviagate pressures of time, social engagements, relationship needs, school holiday busy-ness, to be the best version of ourself for all, the urgency to complete absolutely everything before its all over…and and and...
And so the thought came over me…
...my kids are getting super excited about starting their advent calendars in just over a week. 24 days of daily anticipation of what surprise they receive as they open that little window.
that it got me thinking.... what about us, wouldn’t it be fun to receive our own daily festive surprise! One to illuminate our soul spirit!
Imagine waking each day to a surprise in your inbox (Divine Wisdom, card readings, gifts, discounts, Goddess guidance... a surprise for the soul!!)
As well as.....your very own guided visualization meditation to listen to everyday or when your inner Goddess needs a charge up!
That’s a daily meditation to illuminate your inner beauty and strength ; and
support for you to Flow with ease and grace with whatever the festive season brings forth.
Because you deserve a little magic in your day too!
This is my Festive Gift to you xxx
Want to join me?
Lets make the most of this last month of this amazing 11 Master Year together 👑👑👑
Tad excited!
we begin in 5 days
....(OH my God*dess!!)

24 days of ....
love, support, gifts and magic to illuminate your inner Goddess this festive season.
Sign up NOW
Click here to register 👇👇👇👇
With Love and Abundant blessings
Jennifer xxx
Send me a message with any questions or if you're just up for a chat @ jenlaws@me.com
I am here for you always xxx