This is real...Imagine experiencing those deep heartfelt feelings you have and allowing them to teach you lovingly without attaching a story, blame, victimization or making it bad.
Imagine feeling deep loving compassion for ALL ( friends and enemies ) without being taken advantaged of or being hurt.
Imagine experiencing life with ease and grace in a world surrounded by disharmony.
Imagine feeling passionate and present in each moment without triggering old hurts or attaching worry to the future.
Imagine bravely walking straight through the flame of fear and expanding into magnificence.
Imagine loving your body and all it's beauty without comparison or berating self.
Imagine having complete faith that all is okay and trust you will cradle and cheer yourself on no matter what.
The living Goddess embodies the judgment-free, ever expanding soul of the universe. Pure authentic loving consciousness.
I have just completed a 21 day Living Goddess Sadhana with the most amazing group of Goddess women around the world created by no other than Priestess Durgarji NikStarr. A virtual group coming together in daily spiritual practice endeavoring to surrender the ego and find purpose; developing group consciousness creating harmony and an abundance of empowering "blessons" (lessons as blessings curtesy of Nik Starr;)
It is a commitment to daily practice with meditation, mantras, reflection, real time sharing, and being brave to journey deep into self. To know your knowing.
It has shown me where I resist in my spiritual purpose as the feminine embodiment, where I still play victim in some relationships and discovered the joy of mantras in expanding the heart for enlightenment. Each persons' journey is unique, yet it is in the sharing, that learning is amplified and the vibration of the collective is raised. That is how peace on earth is manifested.
I now start a 21 day PERSONAL Sadhana to embody this new Living Goddess within. Focused intention creates inspired action which embodies Devine creation. The Living Goddess is reborn.
On YOUR journey of discovering YOUR OWN path and purpose, take an opportunity to bring daily devotion to self and your own spiritual evolution and in the process discover an easier, free and graceful state of being. Say YES to your inner God*dess!
To all my friends near and far, wherever you are on your journey...
Om Namaha dear friend Om
Enjoy the journey Until Zen xx
Jen is a Healer and Spiritual teacher practicing in Meditation, Sound and Movement. She offers group classes as well as one-on-one introductory or deep dive sessions. For more information send an email to or book in for a complimentary 30 min Skype session to discuss how Jen can help you on your 'rediscovery of self' journey.
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