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Love is in the Moon

While many of us celebrate love for our beloveds on this Valentines Day, the energy is building for an amplified introspective love manifestation. The Aquarius New Moon (Solar Eclipse) peaking this Friday 16th is prompting actions of self love and R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

Time for decisions, declarations? We are coming to the end of a huge 2 week cosmically supported period of getting 'present' with our lives. Reflecting on what has been working and what has not. It prompted us to start visioning what we really desire, on our soul's path.

And while the New Moon is perfect for manifesting our dreams and heart desires, the Eclipse amplifies it; upscales it. So think huge new starts! Until the next eclipse season in July, this will be our biggest manifesting moon for 2018!

Time to get 'real', be true, go deeper. Notice if you've been boxing yourself in, because of social, cultural, family, material expectations or obligations. If its not your truth, if its not coming from love, but instead from fear of not complying or missing out, or losing or being judged (or perhaps even fear of success); then reconsider stepping out of the box and exploring a little freedom. Give yourself space to rediscover the REAL you. Get creative, follow a passion, allow yourself some time.

Seek those with common ideals. Find your tribe, a gathering of like-minded peeps that will support, encourage and allow. This is self-love. Being kind enough to choose YOU and be surrounded by those who SEE you. To shine and showcase that which makes you light up from the inside. This gifts not only you, but all those who are around you. The energy oozes out of you. So what vibe are you sharing?

We weren't born slaves to others' ideals. It is your divine plan to be here on this beautiful planet at this time, to experience, express and share your true gifts and talents and receive the rewards of this.

On the New Moon, whether in Circle with your tribe, or on your own, take some time to connect with your hearts desires and make some commitments to honour yourself, to be the spokesperson for your soul's callings, to be gentle to your needs and be your own cheerleader for action. Pause, dream and seed your intentions this New Moon.

For "it's true; life really is generous to those who pursue their Personal Legend (calling)" The Alchemist.

Looking for a tribe? Come join me and other like-minded women at the Wise Women's Circle on the Gold Coast. A sacred space for you to relax, connect and illuminate your very essence. I host guided meditations and harmonising sound bath experiences. Email or call me to come try it out @; or 0414641186. All women welcome.

Looking to go a bit deeper? If you're reading this and feel there is something in your life you are working on or need help with, or perhaps you're looking to go a bit deeper on this journey to your soul's calling, I offer one-to-one personal support work (coaching, mentoring and soul journeying). Send me an email if you are interested, or book online at or 0414641186.

Happy New Mooning xxx

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